Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Amazing New Military Technology: Greatest Military Inventions This Millennium

The military has brought us such great inventions as the Internet, then followed shortly after by the GPS system, we widely use as civilians. Now we are left to wonder, what other amazing technologies are they working on now?

Click on the image for the full story.

Cool Comic Book Technology that Should Be Made Real

This technology found in the comic books is just too cool to stay there. Here you will find five of the coolest comic book technologies that should be made real. This list is by no means all inclusive, but it contains some of the coolest in my opinion.

Click the picture for the full story.
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Tuesday, August 10, 2010

How to make a game.

Is this what your office looks like?

One of the most challenging parts about making a game is the software you will use. Determining which language to use, and learning to code the game in that language. Some people may find it reasonably easy to simply grab some C++ Libraries and start coding right out of Notepad, but for some of us we need to get our feet wet first.

Click on the image to get the full story.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Linux VS. Windows: Which is Best?

Still considering Windows? Well it does have it's pros no one can deny that.
Linux and Windows are not exactly fair competition. While Linux is on the prowl, the designation for 'king of the roost' still lies with Microsoft. The features you have come to expect from Microsoft remain even to this day.

Click the picture to get the full story.

Five Great Science Fair Projects

Think this would get you the gold?
Looking for some science fair projects which will give you the best bang for your buck? The Science fair is after all, a place to test your knowledge, build confidence, and create some interesting conversation pieces, so let me go over some of my old favorites that seem timeless and full of surprises.

Click the picture to get the full story.

5 Reasons AOL Should Have Quit a Long Time Ago

AOL Running? Stop them they have my money!
AOL, more commonly referred to as AO Hell, is one of the single worst service providers ever. AOL has been accused, and with good merit, more times then once, of collecting more then just passwords and billing information. This realization of just how bad AOL is came to me when I was doing some maintenance on my aunts computer. 

Click the running AOL man to get the full picture.

SEO for Google and the Caffeine Update

Got your attention yet?

SEO is 'Search Engine Optimization', and I'm going to delve into the very bowels of this beast, in the hopes to better explain some new and important optimization techniques, used to conquer Google. Google for the time being is the largest search engine receiving the largest amount of search queries.

To read the full story just click on that sultry Google babe.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

How to change your screen resolution.

There Are a Lot of People Who Don't Know How to Change Their Screen Resolution

Not everyone knows what "Screen resolution" even means, so I'm writing this quick guide entitled "How to Change Your screen resolution" in order to assist some of the less knowledgeable people out there.

To get the full story simply click on the monitor.
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Tuesday, August 3, 2010

How to Change your OS

You should read about how to change your OS, if your tired of that clunky old OS, and it's time for a change. Windows upgrades, Linux, and other options.
Sound interesting? just click the windows logo to get the full story.